Saturday, August 14, 2010

Islamic Mosque

I have received several emails bashing the Mosque approved for New York City. It's too close to the World Trade Center site. They're building it at Ground Zero. I don't have an opinion yet on the situation because I haven't heard/read enough unbiased information. But I do know that nothing has been built at ground zero. Bashing Muslims is like saying all Baptists are bad because of Jimmy Swaggart, that all Catholics are bad because of child molesting perverts. Check out this article.

Excerpt: But what the two mosques have in common — besides the sense of celebration and camaraderie that comes at the beginning of Ramadan, the holiest month of the Islamic calendar, in which Muslims fast from sunup to sundown, give alms and focus on self-improvement — is that both have existed for decades, largely unnoticed, blocks from the World Trade Center site.

This article says the Muslim population has exploded exponentially and the extras have been praying in the Burlington Coat Factory, which, I think, is the site they want for the new facility. The huge number of Muslims in the area is a fact; there are many, many restaurants and other businesses in the area that cater to the Muslims. The Muslims I have known personally are peaceful people. Once year I taught one student whose father was scary... but I taught more students with White Supremist leanings than Muslims. Now THAT's scary to me.

Those who listen to jerks on Fox News who just love to stir up the American public – what the hell? Instead of just complaining and blaming, why don’t they come up with workable solutions? Sarah Palin? What a joke. John McCain? Another joke. Why can't politicians and news anchors set an example by being unbiased and work toward making things better instead of agitating the pinheads who make decisions based on bias?

I’m saddened by all the emails I receive bashing Obama for this – he did NOT cause the problem. I do not agree with everthing our current President has done, but he did inherit the Bush/Cheney mess. And it IS a mess.

Please don’t send any emails bashing the current administration unless an alternate plan is suggested. The mistake was made eons ago when we let all these people in to practice their religions as they wished. Oh my gosh, I don't practice any religion... should I hate everybody who does? Canada and many European countries are having the same problem. We’re being overrun by people who, just like us, want everything their way without question. White Americans are getting pay-back for what was done to the American natives.

Until people are willing to sacrifice their lives (civil war) many of the current issues won’t be settled. Everybody wants to complain, but nobody wants to get involved.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Heat and redecorating

Last weekend was way too hot. But it was cool. Our main air conditioner died which gave me a two day reprieve from feeling guilty about not painting and/or wallpapering. I was back at it on Monday - I'm using wallpaper sizing as paint primer since there are no VOCs in sizing. The label says you can paint over it, so I am. I even called the sizing manufacturers and was told, that yes, you can paint over sizing. It's made that way in case you change your mind about wallpapering. Oh. Another option I hadn't thought of!