Friday, September 3, 2010

Going Postal

My last entry made me think about people going postal. Hmmmmmmm. Such a modern term. What did they call it back in the 1300s? You know there were people who went ape-shit about things and rampaged through their villages. Did they burn things with torches? Going torchy? Going pyro? Did they steal one item here-and-there to make people in their community think they were losing it? Going bandit?

I bet it was going crazy. Being a lunatic.

It's funny (not "ha ha" funny) how we call it going postal. It's the same old thing as it always was. Someone is unbalanced and goes over the edge. They went (or are going) crazy. Why don't we call it going gunny...

Life in These Uncertain Times

Another one of those sleepless nights. Okay, not sleepless, but short bursts of sleep dispersed around long bursts of awake. So much to think about, to consider.

Joe is planning to leave a secure job (yes, in this economy) because he’s unhappy. He moved to Oklahoma City nearly two years ago in order to keep on the “safe path” of job security and hates it. What more can a person do? He’s given it his best shot.

How does Mom, Muth, Moi, M, feel about it? PROUD. Oh my gosh. How could I not be tickled pink that my son is following his heart in what we think of as such uncertain times. If we didn’t listen to the news so much, how uncertain would these times be?

Think back to your Social Studies/History classes in school. Remember all those maps of countries and territories we studied? Their boundaries changed with invasions and wars. Heck, the globe I used as a child is outdated because of all the changes in the last fifty years. And what were the little people doing during all those changes? Going about their daily lives.

All the current political turmoil, threats of terrorism and nuclear war, drug wars, oil wars, etc., etc., etc., makes the general public anxious about “where we’re going,” and “where this country is heading,” but it’s pretty much out of our control. Yeah, we can vote, and we should. Beyond that, unless you’re willing to make sacrifices (fight, battle, make a stand), let it be. Do your civic duties, volunteer to help when you can and for a cause you believe in, and keep your nose clean. No reason to go postal over things we cannot control.

Many of the peons and peasants of bygone eras would have given a parcel of their best harvest in order to have our freedoms and choices. Going about their daily lives, though, was daily routine. Same for us. Life. Having nutritious food (as much as you can afford of what’s available), adequate shelter, preferably a home (a comfy and secure place to lay your head when the necessity of sleep is upon you), family (the ones you like), friends (the ones who would be family if you had a choice), health (as good as it can be without being OCD), hard work (so you can earn your way), and merriment (whatever makes the hard work of living worth the effort). Surround yourself with who and what makes you healthy, happy and content. Our existence is fleeting. We are but a teeny dot in this universe. Let your dot be your haven. Follow your heart.

For all those people (especially moms) of olden days who had no idea where their loved ones went as they followed life’s path, I will cherish and appreciate the technology that allows me to be privy to my loved ones’ journeys. And I will do this while making a conscious effort to put blathering news media and doomsday peddlers in a far corner of my mind. And go about my daily routine. Life.